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What is your Pattern Interrupter ?

Writer: sonjaleonsonjaleon

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

Give yourself permission to be kind and speak kindly to yourself

Taking care of ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally.

May this find you and all your family and loved ones well and safe, physically, mentally and emotionally.

The world sure is changing very rapidly and yet slowing down very quickly at the same time.

Many are finding something ‘good’ out of something ‘bad’ in what is occurring right now, the amount of love, kindness and compassion that is being generated and shared is beautiful.

However for many, being ‘isolated’ is something we try to avoid, as it brings with it loneliness,disconnectedness, fear of being with ourselves, and time for our repetitive thoughts to be louder than ever.

To support our mental health, I have put together different techniques to support and create connection with ourselves and others, with the intention that any of these may lift us at a time we really need it as we can incorporate them in life before so we can draw on them at any time.

Over an 11 day journey, which I started yesterday, I am sharing an insight each day, on both Instragram @AwakenInnerHappiness and Facebook - Inner Purpose ‘AwakenInnerHappiness’to watch and engage in.

The aim is to actively be connected, to think about each topic daily and reflect how we are showing up in the world, for ourselves and others. Share our insights with others, the more we share the more we can give to others and ourselves by really connecting with the topic of the day. They only take a few minutes so if you miss any along the way its easy to go back and still check it out.

Often the thoughts we have go over and over .... decide what you think

Pattern Interrupting or Thought interrupting

Today’s topic is ‘Pattern interrupting’ or ‘Thought interrupting’.

Being aware when our mind starts to repeat thoughts over and over, they can become the spiral effect of feeding and then feeling into the fear or negativity of those thoughts. So often we go through ‘What if’ or ‘I wish I did or didn’t do something’, we allow thoughts about things that may never happen to play over and over in our thoughts. So it is good to be prepared with a pattern interrupter to support ourselves to stay in the present moment and preparing is key, having something easy to say and say and practice it before we need it. The pattern interrupter is a statement that we have ready to say over and over that stops the other self-talk in it’s tracks. Some I really like are:

  • We will make it through whatever comes along

  • ‘Things are always working out for my highest good’

  • Good things are happening and great things are on the way’

  • Life supports me in every possible way

These are just a few, you can use these or make your own, whatever is easy to remember and feels uplifting without expecting a specific outcome, as often the universe has a better outcome than we could have ever imagined if we allow it to flow and create. I hope you found this useful and if you are curious what else is possible I encourage you to join in on Instagram or Facebook over the rest of the 11 days. Look forward to seeing you throughout the chat.

It can be difficult to move towards love and acceptance without support as there may be anger, hurt and pain as well as feelings of being stuck in this 'place'.

I am here to support you on that journey, if you feel the time has come for you to love and accept yourself 'even though' you may still need to heal from your hurt.

With Love & Gratitude

Sonja Leon

Inner Purpose

Awaken your Inner Happiness, Be the Light for yourself & others

Inner Purpose



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I acknowledge the traditional owners of  this land and country in which I live & work. I pay my respects to their culture and the Elders past, present and emerging

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